
Minal Beating the Bounds Walk a success

On Saturday 27 April 31 walkers set off on the first Minal Boundary walk since 2018.  This was an annual tradition and has recently been revived by Lesley Rowe with the help of Rob Bailey, Clive and Lyn Scholefield and Derek Pinchen who accompanied the walk to talk about the various historic landmarks.  In Savernake Forest we stopped by Amity Oak where the initials of the tree parishes are carved into the Bark.  The M for Minal is a little stretched now.  It was then onto Grove Farm in Stitchcombe where Nigel and Nikki Thompson provided a delicious coffee and biscuits.  Martin Gibson helped guide us northwards through his land and we were very grateful he had cleared the overgrown stretch as this is not infact a footpath. The lunch stop after the long climb to Mere farm was very welcome.  Big thanks to Melissa and Tim who had hot sausages and the most delicious rose wine and other drinks for us.  Not everyone carried on to the bitter end but for those of us that did being in a large group and the views kept us going.  Timing wise we were back at the Church by 5.00pm so after a 9.00am start this was pretty good going for 13.4 miles.  First picture is the before and the second is the after!